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wydawnictwo: WILEY , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 371.00 Twoja cena  352,45 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Advancing Executive Coaching: Setting the Course for Successful Leadership Coaching

Foreword (Allen I. Kraut).

Preface (Gina Hernez-Broome and Lisa A. Boyce).

The Editors.

The Contributors.

Introduction: State of Executive Coaching: Framing Leadership Coaching Issues (Lisa A. Boyce and Gina Hernez-Broome).

Section One: Your Traveling Companions: Coach, Client, and Organizational Issues.

1. Activating the Active Ingredients of Leadership Coaching (Sandra L. Davis and D. Douglas McKenna).

2. The Coach: Ready, Steady, Go! (Brian O. Underhill).

3. Learning to Coach Leaders (Robert J. Lee and Michael H. Frisch).

4. Good to Great Coaching: Accelerating the Journey (David B. Peterson).

5. The Client: Who Is Your Coachee and Why Does It Matter? (Anna Marie Valerio and Jennifer J. Deal).

6. Maximizing Impact: Creating Successful Partnerships Between Coaches and Organizations (Erica Desrosiers and David H. Oliver).

Section Two: The Journey: Processes and Practices of Leadership Coaching.

7. Building the Coaching Alliance: Illuminating the Phenomenon of Relationship in Coaching (Travis Kemp).

8. Coaching Programs: Moving Beyond the One-on-One (Lorraine Stomski, Janis Ward, and Mariangela Battista).

9. Ethics in Coaching (Jonathan Passmore and Lance Mortimer).

10. Tools and Techniques: What's in Your Toolbox? (Ann M. Herd and Joyce E. A. Russell).

11. E-Coaching: Accept it, It's Here, and It’s Evolving! (Lisa A. Boyce and David Clutterbuck).

Section Three: "Recalculating" Directions: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Leadership Coaching.

12. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Coaching: A Focus on Stakeholders, Criteria, and Data Collection Methods (Katherine Ely and Stephen J. Zaccaro).

13. Evaluating the ROI of Coaching: Telling a Story, Not Just Producing a Number (Merrill C. Anderson).

14. The Coaching Impact Study: A Case Study in Successful Evaluation (Derek Steinbrenner and Barry Schlosser).

15. What Clients Want: Coaching in Organizational Context (Douglas Riddle and Natalie Pothier).

16. New Directions: Perspective on Current and Future Leadership Coaching Issues (Paul Tesluk and Jeffrey Kudisch).

Name Index.

Subject Index.


544 pages , Hardcover

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