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wydawnictwo: ABC-CLIO INC. , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

cena netto: 180.00 Twoja cena  171,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

An insightful look at how Chinese business people think and live, offering executives and entrepreneurs a better way to understand a country in which business opportunities are still growing.

Inside the Chinese Business Mind: A Tactical Guide for Managers focuses on helping Western business leaders and managers get an understanding of the core values and beliefs that drive business in China. It is a perfect tool for helping business people gain insights into the vastly different, surprisingly diverse Chinese business culture—and for learning more about themselves and their own values and behaviors in the process.

At the core of Inside the Chinese Business Mind is an in-depth survey which gathered responses from over 200 business leaders in both the United States and China. Going beyond the scope of traditional guidebooks, the study incorporates elements of psychology, resulting in a fascinating portrait of the Chinese people, one that finds clear distinctions in behaviors and priorities across different regions, among various age groups, and within other demographic categories. This specific information will help business leaders develop the kind of cultural awareness that leads to greater opportunities and stronger relationships in China, at home, and within themselves.

191 pages, Hardcover

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