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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED A.W. , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

cena netto: 185.00 Twoja cena  175,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The start-to-finish guide to Android development–from concept to market!

Android Wireless Application Development combines all the reliable information, sample code, and best practices you need to build, distribute, and market successful Android mobile applications. Drawing on their extensive experience with mobile and wireless development, Shane Conder and Lauren Darcey cover everything you need to execute a successful Android project: from concept and design through coding, testing, packaging, and delivery.

Conder and Darcey explain how mobile development differs from conventional development, how Android differs from other mobile platforms, and how to take full advantage of Android’s unique features and capabilities. They present detailed, code-rich coverage of Android’s most important APIs, expert techniques for organizing development teams and managing Android projects, and dozens of time-saving tricks and pitfalls to avoid.

  • Master the latest Android development tools and Android SDK 1.5
  • Use the Eclipse Development Environment for Java to develop and debug Android applications
  • Design Android applications that are more efficient, reliable, and easier to use and offer better performance
  • Work with Android’s optional hardware-specific APIs
  • Use Android’s APIs for data, storage, networking, telephony, Location-Based Services (LBS), multimedia, and 3D graphics
  • Leverage advanced Android capabilities such as Notifications and Services
  • Ensure quality through solid test planning, efficient testing, and comprehensive defect tracking
  • Make more money from your Android applications

This book is an indispensable resource for every member of the Android development team: software developers with all levels of mobile experience, team leaders and project managers, testers and QA specialists, software architects, and even marketers.

Shane Conder is an experienced developer who has specialized in mobile and embedded development for over a decade. He has designed and developed many commercial applications for BREW, J2ME, Palm, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, iPhone, and Android and has written extensively about the mobile industry and mobile development platforms. Lauren Darcey is the CEO of a small software company specializing in mobile technologies. With almost two decades of experience in professional software production, Darcey is a recognized authority in enterprise architecture and the development of commercial grade mobile applications.

An accompanying CD-ROM contains all of the book’s code samples, plus powerful open source tools for Android development.

Table of Contents


Part I: An Overview of Android

Chapter 1: Introducing Android
Chapter 2: Your Android Development Environment
Chapter 3: Writing Your First Android Application

Part II: Android Application Design Essentials

Chapter 4: Understanding the Android Application Life Cycle
Chapter 5: Managing Application Resources

Part III: Android User Interface Design Essentials

Chapter 6: Exploring User Interface Screen Elements
Chapter 7: Designing Android User Interfaces with Layouts
Chapter 8: Drawing and Working with Animation in Android

Part IV: Using Common Android APIs

Chapter 9: Using Android Data and Storage APIs
Chapter 10: Using Android Networking APIs
Chapter 11: Using Location-Based Services (LBS) APIs
Chapter 12: Using Android Multimedia APIs
Chapter 13: Using Android Telephony APIs
Chapter 14: Using Android 3D Graphics With OpenGL ES
Chapter 15: Using Android's Optional Hardware APIs

Part V: More Android Application Design Principles

Chapter 16: Working With Notifications
Chapter 17: Working With Services

Part VI: Deploying Your Android Application to the World

Chapter 18: The Mobile Software Development Process
Chapter 19: Developing and Testing Bulletproof Android Applications
Chapter 20: Selling Your Android Application

Part VII: Appendixes

Appendix A: The Android Emulator Quick-Start Guide
Appendix B: The Android DDMS Quick-Start Guide
Appendix C: The Android Debug Bridge Quick-Start Guide
Appendix D: The SQLite Quick-Start Guide

600 pages, Paperback

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