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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2009, wydanie VI

cena netto: 320.00 Twoja cena  304,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

By encouraging students to explore the challenges and opportunities managers face in the business environment, the sixth edition of this successful text provides students with a solid foundation from which to build upon their business knowledge.

This thought-provoking book helps students to understand how business organisations operate in economic, political, social, technological, and legal environments. It introduces and analyses the business environment model, enabling students to understand how it can determine business strategy.

Ian Worthington is Professor of Corporate Sustainability and Chris Britton a Principal Lecturer in the Department of Strategy and Management at Leicester Business School, De Montfort University.

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

1. Business organisations: the external environment
2. Business organisations: the internal environment
3. The global context of business

International Application: The Car Industry
II. Contexts

4. The political environment
5. The macroeconomic environment
6. The demographic, social and cultural context of business
7. The resource context: people, technology and natural resources
8. The legal environment
9. The ethical and ecological environment

International Application: Migration
III. Firms

10. Legal structures
11. Size and struture of firms
12. Industrial Structure
13. Government and business

International Application: A Lot of Bottle
IV. Markets

14. The market system
15. Market Structure
16. International markets and trade
17. Governments and markets

International Aplpication: The Global Financial Crisis
V. Conclusion

18. The business environment and strategic management

544 pages, Paperback

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