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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 180.00 Twoja cena  171,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

How breakthrough social marketing techniques can help solve the world's greatest challenge: poverty!

  • A complete, marketing-driven methodology for planning, executing, and measuring the effectiveness of poverty-reduction projects.
  • Real case studies show how marketing strategies can promote the social conditions and personal motivation people need to escape poverty.
  • By legendary marketing expert Philip Kotler (Marketing Management) and top social marketing innovator Nancy Lee.

Philip Kotler is S.C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management. Hailed as the “foremost expert on the strategic practice of marketing,” he is author of Marketing Management, the field’s definitive textbook (now in its 13th edition).

Kotler’s books also include Principles of Marketing, Strategic Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations, Marketing Places, Kotler on Marketing, Marketing Insights A to Z, Lateral Marketing, Social Marketing, Museum Strategies and Marketing, Standing Room Only, and Corporate Social Responsibility. His research encompasses social marketing, innovation, consumer marketing, business marketing, services marketing, distribution, and e-marketing. He has consulted with companies including IBM, Bank of America, Merck, GE, and Honeywell.

Nancy R. Lee, President of Social Marketing Services, Inc., has more than 25 years of practical marketing experience in private, nonprofit, and public sectors. An adjunct faculty member at the University of Washington and Seattle University, she teaches Marketing in the Public Sector, Social Marketing, and Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations.

Lee has coauthored four books with Philip Kotler, including Social Marketing: Improving the Quality of Life, Corporate Social Responsibility: Doing the Most Good for Your Company and Your Cause, and Marketing in the Public Sector: A Roadmap for Improved Performance.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments xiv

About the Authors xv

Foreword xvi

Preface xix

Part I Understanding the Poverty Problem and Its Broad Solutions 1

Chapter 1 Why Poverty Hurts Everyone 3

Chapter 2 Examining a Barrel of Current Solutions 21

Chapter 3 The Social Marketing Solution 47

Part II Applying Marketing Perspectives and Solutions 71

Chapter 4 Segmenting the Poverty Marketplace 73

Chapter 5 Evaluating and Choosing Target Market Priorities 101

Chapter 6 Determining Desired Behavior Changes 131

Chapter 7 Understanding Barriers, Benefits, and the Competition for Change 163

Chapter 8 Developing a Desired Positioning and Strategic Marketing Mix 185

Part III Ensuring an Integrated Approach 217

Chapter 9 Developing a Social Marketing Plan 219

Chapter 10 The Public Sector’s Role in Poverty Reduction 239

Chapter 11 The Nonprofit Sector’s Role in Poverty Reduction 261

Chapter 12 The Private Sector’s Role in Poverty Reduction 285

Chapter 13 Getting the Three Sectors to Work Together 307

Index 327

368 pages, Hardcover

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