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wydawnictwo: WILEY , rok wydania 2008, wydanie I

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Double Your Income Doing What You Love breaks life down into six pathways, and then sets out a simple but highly effective system for you to set goals in all six categories every month. Using his MTO system, author Raymond Aaron teaches you how to set each goal at three levels—Minimum, Target, and Outrageous—so that you can begin to move ever closer to fully creating, and then living, the life of your dreams.

Raymond Aaron is a high-energy and captivating professional speaker. In 2006 alone, he delivered over 200 speeches around the world. In 1996, Aaron created The Monthly Mentor, a home study mentoring program that now boasts thousands of members worldwide. In addition to writing several books on real estate and mentoring, Aaron is the coauthor of the bestselling book Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul and the New York Times bestseller Chicken Soup for the Parent's Soul.

Sue Lacher graduated from a three-year Coach Training Program that is recognized by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Over her eleven years as a coach, she has accumulated extensive hands-on experience. Lacher has successfully coached over 1,000 clients worldwide and has worked directly with Raymond Aaron in creating the tools and concepts used within The Monthly Mentor Program, so that individuals can take control of their lives and live their best life. She also conducts workshops on Time Management and the Law of Attraction, and is a licensed practitioner of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

Table of Contents



Introduction.The End.

How You Can End Your Old Life and Begin Using "The Secret" Laws of Attraction.

Chapter 1. Have It Now! The Instant Gratification Society.

How You Can Achieve Your Toughest Goals Right Now Without Waiting.

Chapter 2. Your Annual Love Letters™.

How You Can Move Closer to What You Love and Further From What You Do Not Love.

Chapter 3. Your Life Missions™.

How You Can Know Exactly What You Want to Produce This Lifetime.

Chapter 4. Your Special Talents.

How You Can Enjoy the Pleasure and Heightened Income of Focusing Your Working Life Primarily on Your Special Talents.

Chapter 5. Curing Procrastination Forever.

How You Can Eliminate Procrastination Once and For All.

Chapter 6. The Six MAINLY™ Pathways of Life.

How You Can Create the Richest and Fullest Possible Life.

Chapter 7. Achieve Your Goals For Sure.

How You Can Achieve Even Your Toughest Goals No Matter What – Guaranteed!

Chapter 8. The Six Goal Recording Rules™.

How You Can Record Goals the Right Way.

Chapter 9. Recording Your Goals So They Achieve Themselves.

How You Can Use All the Combined Technology of this Book so that Your Goals Begin to Achieve Themselves Automatically.

Chapter 10. Annual Backwards Goals™.

How You Can Record your Yearly Goals so that You Purposefully Move Towards Your Ideal Life.

Chapter 11. The Beginning.

How You Can Begin Your New Life and Ensure You Achieve the Success You Desire.

About the Author.


191 pages , Hardcover

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