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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED. , rok wydania 2011, wydanie II

cena netto: 492.80 Twoja cena  468,16 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

net price + 5% vat.

Already the most complete, reliable, and objective guide to technical analysis, this book has been thoroughly updated to reflect the latest advances. Selected as the official companion to the prestigious Market Technicians Association CMT program, it systematically explains the field’s principles and techniques, presenting academic evidence and hundreds of illustrations.

Table of Contents


Part I Introduction 1

1 Introduction to Technical Analysis 3

2 The Basic Principle of Technical Analysis--The Trend 9

3 History of Technical Analysis 23

4 The Technical Analysis Controversy 33

Part II Markets and Market Indicators 55

5 An Overview of Markets 57

6 Dow Theory 75

7 Sentiment 89

8 Measuring Market Strength 131

9 Temporal Patterns and Cycles 163

10 Flow of Funds 177

Part III Trend Analysis 197

11 History and Construction of Charts 199

12 Trends--The Basics 223

13 Breakouts, Stops, and Retracements 255

14 Moving Averages 275

Part IV Chart Pattern Analysis 299

15 Bar Chart Patterns 301

16 Point-and-Figure Chart Patterns 335

17 Short-Term Patterns 359

Part V Trend Confirmation 405

18 Confirmation 407

Part VI Other Technical Methods and Rules 447

19 Cycles 449

20 Elliott, Fibonacci, and Gann 477

Part VII Selection 501

21 Selection of Markets and Issues: Trading and Investing 503

Part VIII System Testing and Management 527

22 System Design and Testing 529

23 Money and Risk Management 559

Part IX Appendices 579

A Basic Statistics 581

B Types of Orders and Other Trader Terminology 607

Bibliography 611

Index 637

704 pages, Hardcover

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