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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2010, wydanie IV

cena netto: 431.20 Twoja cena  409,64 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

net price + 5% vat.

A modern approach to macroeconomics.

Williamson’s Macroeconomics uses a thoroughly modern approach by showing students how to build macroeconomic models from microeconomic principles. This approach helps to make the text consistent with the way macroeconomic research is conducted today.

The fourth edition weaves the recent events of the financial crisis into the material.

Table of Contents

Part I. Introduction and Measurement Issues
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Measurement
Chapter 3: Business Cycle Measurement
Part II. A One-Period Model of the Macroeconomy
Chapter 4: Consumer and Firm Behavior: The Work–Leisure Decision and Profit Maximization
Chapter 5: A Closed-Economy One-Period Macroeconomic Model
Part III. Economic Growth
Chapter 6: Economic Growth: Malthus and Solow
Chapter 7: Income Disparity Among Countries and Endogenous Growth
Part IV. Savings, Investment, and Government Deficits
Chapter 8: A Two-Period Model: The Consumption–Savings Decision and Credit Markets
Chapter 9: Credit Market Imperfections: Credit Frictions, Financial Crises, and Social Security
Chapter 10: A Real Intertemporal Model with Investment
Part V. Money and Business Cycles
Chapter 11: Money, Banking, Prices, and Monetary Policy
Chapter 12: Market-Clearing Models of the Business Cycle
Chapter 13: New Keynesian Economics: Sticky Prices
Part VI. International Macroeconomics
Chapter 14: International Trade in Goods and Assets
Chapter 15: Money in the Open Economy
Part VII. Topics in Macroeconomics
Chapter 16: Money, Inflation, and Banking
Chapter 17: Unemployment: Search and Efficiency Wages
Chapter 18: Inflation, the Phillips Curve, and Central Bank Commitment

720 pages, Paperback

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