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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2010, wydanie IV

cena netto: 492.80 Twoja cena  468,16 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

net price + 5% vat.

Go beyond the basic concepts with a strategic focus and integration of IT and global perspectives.

Marketing Management reflects the dynamic environment inhabited by today's marketers, helping readers understand this increasingly global marketplace and the impact of technology on making strategic marketing decisions. Its modern, strategy-based approach covers critical, fundamental topics required for professional success.

The fourth edition features Ravi Dahr of Yale University—one of the world’s leading scholars in behavioral decision-making—as a new coauthor.

Table of Contents

Part I: Marketing Philosophy and Strategy

Chapter 1. Marketing and the Job of the Marketing Manager
Chapter 2. A Strategic Marketing Framework

Part II: Analysis for Marketing Decisions

Chapter 3. Marketing Research
Chapter 4. Analyzing Consumer Behavior
Chapter 5. Organizational Buying Behavior
Chapter 6. Market Structure and Competitor Analysis

Part III: Marketing Decision Making

Chapter 7. Product Decisions
Chapter 8. New Product Development
Chapter 9. Pricing
Chapter 10. Communications and Advertising Strategy
Chapter 11. Sales Promotion
Chapter 12. Channels of Distribution
Chapter 13. Direct Channels of Distribution: Personal Selling and Direct Marketing
Chapter 14. Customer Relationship Management

Chapter 15. Special Topic: Strategies for Service Markets

528 pages, Paperback

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