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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED. , rok wydania 2010, wydanie VI

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As one of today's leading scholars in speech communication, David Zarefsky's revised edition offers "rhetorical workout" boxes to increase skills development, updated information technology to connect the theories and concepts of public speaking to everyday life and a "student's view" box so that students can learn from their peers.

Public Speaking, places a strong emphasis on developing strategies and making choices. Reinforcing the idea that public speaking is a skill that can assist in helping students communicate in their personal, professional and social lives. Throughout the text, students are encouraged to think through and about the public speaking process, as well as consider the diversity of audiences, occasions, and speakers, enabling them to choose a specific purpose, a relevant topic, and the appropriate material to make their speeches successful.

Table of Contents


PART I: Foundations of Public Speaking


1. Welcome to Public Speaking

Why Study Public Speaking?

Public Speaking and Communication

The Public Forum

The Rhetorical Situation

Ethics: Respect for Audience, Topic and Occasion

2. Your First Speech

Goals and Strategies for Your First Speech

Strategies for Organizing Your Speech

Outlining Your Speech

Practicing Your Speech

Presenting Your Speech

Strategies for Overcoming Speech Anxiety

3. Presenting the Speech

Characteristics of Effective Presentation

The Voice in Presentation

The Body in Presentation

Modes of Presentation

Practicing for Speech Presentation

4. Listening Critically

Are You Really Listening?

Strategies for Careful Listening

Listening Critically

Evaluating Speeches Critically


PART II: Invention and Development of the Speech


5. Analyzing Your Audience

Checking Audience Demographics

Respecting Audience Cultures

Understanding Audience Psychology

Strategies for Analyzing the Audience

Analyzing Your Own Ethos


6. Choosing a Topic and Developing a Strategy

What Makes a Good Topic?

How to Choose a Good Topic

Developing a Strategic Plan

Developing the Purpose Statement and the Thesis Statement

Analyzing the Thesis Statement

7. Researching the Speech

Strategic Perspectives on Research

Types of Supporting Material

Tools for Locating Supporting Material

Sources of Supporting Material

Evaluating Evidence

A Plan for Research

Note Taking and Filing

8. Reasoning

Proof, Support, and Reasoning







Avoiding Errors in Reasoning

Reasoning in Public Speaking

PART III: Arrangement and Style in the Speech


9. Organizing the Speech: The Body

Why is Organization Important?

Selecting the Main Ideas

Arranging the Main Ideas

Selecting and Arranging Supporting Materials

10. Organizing the Speech: Introductions, Conclusions, and Transitions

Introductions: Beginning the Speech

Conclusions: Ending the Speech

Transitions: Connecting the Elements of a Speech

11. Outlining the Speech

From Ideas to Outline

The Preparation Outline

Sample Preparation Outlines

The Presentation Outline

Sample Presentation Outline


12. Achieving Style through Language

What is Style?

Defining Terms Appropriately

Achieving Clarity, Rhythm, and Vividness

Style and the Entire Speech

Achieving Good Style


PART IV: Uses of Public Speaking


13. Informing

Planning Your Strategy

Informative Strategies

Encouraging Retention

14. Persuading

Purposes for Persuasive Strategies

Plan Your Strategy

The Elaboration Likelihood Model

Constraints on Effective Persuasive Speaking

Strategic Resources for Specific Purposes

General Strategic Resources

Organizing Persuasive Speeches

15. Speaking with Visual Aids

Benefits of Using Visual Aids

Types of Visual Aids

Visual Aid Media

Preparing Visual Aids

Using Visual Aids in the Speech

16. Occasions for Public Speaking

Fitting Your Speech to the Occasion

Deliberative Speaking

Ceremonial Speaking

Speeches Combining Deliberative and Ceremonial Goals

Appendix: Speeches for Analysis and Discussion

496 pages, Paperback

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