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wydawnictwo: WILEY , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 130.90 Twoja cena  124,36 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

net price + 5% vat.

Financial legend Barton Biggs' fictional account of the hedge world and the broader workings of Wall Street

Barton Biggs' latest book is an inspirational rags to riches story of drive and financial talent. Told through the eyes of a fictional insider, this engaging story provides a detailed look at the hedge fund business in the late 1990s and through the first decade of the twenty-first century.

A Tale From the Hedge Fund World chronicles the life of a poor boy who ends up amassing more wealth than he ever thought possible. From studying Wall Street charts while sitting on the sidelines of football practice to realizing how so much money can be made in a short period of time, this book provides a bird's eye view of the inner workings of Wall Street and what it takes to make it there.

  • Puts the word of hedge funds in perspective and reveals the competitive and lucrative nature of this field
  • Other titles by Biggs: Hedgehogging and Wealth, War & Wisdom
  • Also describes the bursting of the mortgage bubble and the great financial crisis that followed

No one knows more about the hedge fund world of the past twenty years than Barton Biggs. His new fable offers an entertaining look at this field and those who aspire to excel within it.

Table of Contents



Chapter 1: Big Neck, Virginia.

Chapter 2: Arizona Union.

Chapter 3: New York and the Firm.

Chapter 4: Onward and Upward.

Chapter 5: Crisis and Confrontation.

Chapter 6: Moving On.

Chapter 7: Bridgestone.

Chapter 8: Revenge of the Geeks.

Chapter 9: Life Its Own Self.

Chapter 10: The Halcyon Years.

Chapter 11: Dinner at the Perots.

Chapter 12: Big Decisions.

Chapter 13: The Years of Milk and Honey.

Chapter 14: The High Probability of the Improbable.

Chapter 15: 2008: Annus Horribilis.

Chapter 16: The Age of Malevolence.

Chapter 17: The End of the Affair.


About the Author.

319 pages, Hardcover

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