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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 673.00 Twoja cena  639,35 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Navigate the crossroads of accounting and IT.

Kay/Ovlia is designed to assist readers’ journey as they explore the crossroads of accounting and IT–the very place where they’ll learn how to gain a competitive edge in the accounting field. To help them on their journey, this text presents information on how to develop communication, leadership, strategic and critical thinking, a customer focus, an interpretation of converging information, and technological skills.

Table of Contents

Part 1: Enterprise Accounting Systems: People, Processes, and Technology
Chapter 1: Accounting System Insights
Chapter 2: Accounting Databases
Chapter 3: Accounting Interface: Database Forms, Queries, and Reports
Chapter 4: Accounting Systems and Business Processes
Chapter 5: Business Processes: Sales, Purchasing, and Payroll Cycles
Chapter 6: Integrated Enterprise Systems

Part 2: Accounting and Intelligent Systems
Chapter 7: Accounting and Business Intelligence
Chapter 8: Accounting and Sustainability Intelligence
Chapter 9: XBRL: Intelligent Business Reporting

Part 3: Security, Controls, and Risk
Chapter 10: Fraud and Internal Control
Chapter 11: Cybersecurity
Chapter 12: The Risk Intelligent Enterprise: Enterprise Risk Management

Part 4: Designing and Developing Accounting Systems
Chapter 13: Accounting System Development
Chapter 14: Database Design: ERD, REA, and SQL

Part 5: Enterprise Accounting Systems: Capstone
Chapter 15: Emerging Trends and Technologies (Online Chapter)
Chapter 16: Accounting Systems in Action: Live Projects (Online Chapter)

496 pages, Hardcover

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