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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2008, wydanie II

cena netto: 207.90 Twoja cena  197,51 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

With over 33,500 copies sold of the previous edition, the winning formula of this incredibly successful book will remain the same.

From SWOT analysis and core competencies to risk reward analysis and the innovation circle, Key Management Models explains each model in a clear, structured and practical way.

There is a brief overview of each of the 61 essential models that spans no more than

3-4 pages. For each model you will find:

· The model in a nutshell (‘the big idea’)

· Its applicability (‘when to use it’)

· The practicalities of applying it (‘how to use it’)

· A critical appraisal (‘the final analysis’)

The PERFECT reference book, no matter what business you’re in.

Table of Contents

About the authors.


Using the book.

Part 1 Strategic models.

1 Ansoff’s product market grid.

2 The BCG matrix.

3 Blue ocean strategy.

4 Competitive analysis: Porter’s five forces.

5 Core competencies.

6 Greiner’s growth model

7 Kay’s distinctive capabilities.

8 Market-driven organisation.

9 Off-shoring / outsourcing.

10 Road-mapping.

11 Scenario planning.

12 Strategic dialogue.

13 Strategic HRM model

14 Strategic human capital planning.

15 SWOT analysis.

16 The value chain.

17 Value-based management

18 The value disciplines of Treacy and Wierseman.

Part 2 Tactical models.

19 The 7-S framework.

20 Activity-based costing.

21 Beer and Nohria - E and O theories.

22 Benchmarking.

23 Business process redesign.

24 Competing values of organisational effectiveness.

25 Core quadrants.

26 Covey’s seven habits of highly effective people.

27 Curry’s pyramid: customer marketing and relationship management

28 DuPont analysis.

29 Factory gate pricing.

30 Henderson and Venkatraman’s strategic alignment model

31 Hofstede’s cultural dimensions.

32 House of purchasing and supply.

33 The innovation circle.

34 Kotler’s 4Ps of marketing.

35 Kotters’ eight phases of change.

36. Kraljic’s purchasing model

37 Lean thinking / just-in-time.

38 MABA analysis.

39 Milkovich’s compensation model

40 Mintzberg’s configurations.

41 Monczka’s purchasing model

42 Overhead value analysis.

43 Quick response manufacturing.

44 Senge – The fifth discipline.

45 Six Sigma.

46 The EFQM model

47 The theory of constraints.

48 Vendor managed inventory.

Part 3 Operational models.

49 The balanced scorecard (BSC)

50 Belbin’s team roles.

51 Branding pentagram..

52 Change quadrants.

53 Discounted cashflow..

54 Kaizen / Gemba.

55 Mintzberg’s management roles.

56 Risk reward analysis.

57 Root cause analysis / Pareto analysis.

58 The six thinking hats of De Bono.

59 The Deming cycle: plan–do–check–act

60 Value stream mapping.


Appendix: Model Matrix / Categorisation of models.

272 pages, paperback

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