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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2007, wydanie I

cena netto: 207.90 Twoja cena  197,51 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

With the pension crisis in England getting worse by the year, more and more people want to secure their financial retirement security and start investing now. But does the ever present fear of risk put you off?

What if you could invest safely without taking any risks so your money gives you the income you want, when you want it.

Sound too good to be true? Then read on…

Written by a team of experts, Worry-Free Investing offers a unique approach to investment that demonstrates how you can meet your investment goal without putting your money at risk on the stock market.

With information on secure government backed investments, and other little-known investment techniques, this clear and brief book is perfect for risk-averse investors, or those that just want to protect their savings.

With 6 steps to worry free investment, tips on controlling the risks you do decide to take and a companion website that breaks down all the maths for you, this is the ultimate book to take the stress out of investing for your future.

Now there’s no need to worry, you can get on with making money!

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: New rules for investing

Chapter 2: Investing with inflation-protected bonds

Chapter 3: Reaching your retirment goal

Chapter 4: Your home as an investment

Chapter 5: Stocks are risky, even in the long run

Chapter 6: Taking calculated risks on the stock market

Chapter 7: Investment pitfalls and how to avoid them

Chapter 8: Putting it all together

Chapter 9: Do you need professional advice?

Chapter 10: Real-life examples of worry-free retirement investing

Chapter 11: Frequently asked questiuons (FAQs) about worry-free investing

Chapter 12: The worry-free toolbox

152 pages, Hardcover

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