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wydawnictwo: WILEY , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

cena netto: 121.70 Twoja cena  115,62 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

...And the Clients Went Wild!: How Savvy Professionals Win All the Business They Want

Combine social media with traditional marketing techniques for breakthrough results!

While social media is doing much to change the marketing landscape, it doesn't mean you have to take an either/or approach between it and more traditional methods. And the Clients Went Wild! gives you the tools to take an eclectic approach and pick the best, most wildly successful marketing methods—traditional, online, or both—to win at a given marketing goal. And, whether by means of Facebook, Twitter, streaming video, or by old-fashioned word of mouth, public relations, or personal sales skill, the goal is to win, right?

  • Find real-life examples of success from some of today's best businesses
  • Shows how to integrate and benefit from both traditional and new marketing methods
  • Uses the proven business growth strategy Red Zone Marketing as a central concept
  • Author has proven the concepts successful in her work for numerous major clients

Don't throw out tried and true marketing techniques just for the sake of the new. Do what works! Perfect your marketing mix and win with And the Clients Went Wild!

Table of Contents


Acknowledgments xi

Introduction xiii

CHAPTER 1 Executive Summary: The Five Core Principles for Turning Clients and Prospects into Raving Fans 1

PART I The Principles 5

CHAPTER 2 First Principle: What Are You Doing that No One Else Is Doing?: Build Client Delight Through Your Differentiation 7

CHAPTER 3 Second Principle: Focus Your Marketing on Benefits, Results, and a Call to Action: What’s Really in It for Them 18

CHAPTER 4 Third Principle: Go Viral!: Create Memorable Impactful Messaging Worthy of a Pass-Along 27

CHAPTER 5 Fourth Principle: Leverage Your Business Network for Incremental Growth: Find and Cultivate Centers of Influence to Move Your Message Fast 37

CHAPTER 6 Fifth Principle: The Critical Importance of Execution in Your Game Plan: Good Execution Is Better than Good Strategy 53

PART II The Playbook: Online and Traditional Marketing Techniques 61

CHAPTER 7 Create a Playbook that Fits Your Business and Your Personality: Design Your Own Marketing Action Plan 63

CHAPTER 8 Build a Brand Identity on a Shoestring Budget: Spending Time Effectively Can Be Worth More Than Money 101

CHAPTER 9 Find Your Niche: Corner the Market One Segment at a Time! 113

CHAPTER 10 Techniques for Creating a Memorable Experience: Give ’Em Something to Talk About! 122

CHAPTER 11 Your Best Prospects Come from Referrals: Scripts and Strategies for Increasing Your Introductions to Others 134

CHAPTER 12 My Web Site Is Working!: Turn a Bland Site and Your Internet Presence into a Moneymaker 147

CHAPTER 13 Social Media: Effective Strategies that Don't Consume All of Your Time 160

CHAPTER 14 Permission-Based Marketing: Strategies for Successful E-Mail and E-Newsletters 174

CHAPTER 15 Traditional Marketing Still Works: TV and Cable Advertising, Newspaper, and Other Mediums that Still Cause People to Buy 187

CHAPTER 16 Direct Mail: Simple Principles for Gaining Sales from Good Old-Fashioned Mail 196

CHAPTER 17 Events and Seminars: Creating Buzz and Sales Through Group Presentations 209

CHAPTER 18 Media Methods to Gain Celebrity Status: Take Advantage of Hot Topics, Timely Events, and Unique Twists to Attract Attention 226

CHAPTER 19 Special Tactics for Financial Advisors: Ten Specific Strategies Working Today 241

Notes 255

Index 257

288 pages, Hardcover

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