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wydawnictwo: WILEY , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 85.90 Twoja cena  81,61 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The Three Laws of Performance:

Rewriting the Future of Your Organization and Your Life

A proven system for rallying all of an organizations' employees around a new vision and ideas for making the vision stick

When something at work isn't going smoothly, managers struggle with what part of the problem to tackle first. Do they start with cost reduction? Or should they go for process improvements first? The authors—who have helped hundreds of companies and individuals change and improve—say spend time and money adjusting the systems in which people operate, rather than targeting people and their performance directly.

The authors show that it's in fact possible to change everything at once—with a focus on making such transformations permanent and repeatable.

  • Brand-new Introduction written for the paperback edition
  • Filled with illustrative examples from Northrup Grumman, BHP-Billiton, Reebok, Harvard Business School, and many others
  • Two experts in the field show how to make major transformations happen

The book outlines a process for engaging all employees to buy-in to an improved vision of an organization's new and improved future.

Table of Contents


Editor's Note, byWarren Bennis xiii

Foreword, by Michael C. Jensen xvii

Authors' Note xxi

Introduction: The Power of Rewriting the Future xxv

Part I: The Three Laws in Action.

1. Transforming an Impossible Situation 3

2. Where Is the Key to Performance? 31

3. Rewriting a Future That’s Already Written 65

Part II: Rewriting the Future of Leadership.

4. With So Many Books on Leadership, Why Are There So Few Leaders? 93

5. The Self-Led Organization 117

Part III: Mastering the Game of Performance.

6. Who orWhat Is Leading Your Life? 143

7. The Path to Mastery 169

8. Breaking the Performance Barrier 199

Appendix: The Three Laws of Performance and the Leadership Corollaries 212

Notes 213

Acknowledgments 215

The Authors 219

Index 221

256 pages, Paperback

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