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wydawnictwo: WILEY , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 300.00 Twoja cena  285,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Grow Globally:

Opportunities for Your Middle-Market Company Around the World

Discover proven strategies and solutions for successful participation in the global market

With less than fifty percent of middle market US companies succeeding at going global, corporate executives need to know how to build effective global execution platforms that will allow their organizations to thrive in a global economy. Filled with case studies and indispensable checklists, Grow Globally guides executives in crafting an actionable global strategy that will not only stand the test of change—but that will also be on target, on budget, and on time.

  • Reveals how to anticipate change in global decision-making and execution
  • Explores how to identify trends and respond to differences between internal corporate culture and the target culture
  • Includes case studies, checklists, process visuals and resources, plus a website that hosts online tools and materials

As the world becomes more dependent on technology and trade borders gradually disappear, your company needs to acquire the tools and skills necessary to compete in the global market. Grow Globally presents the skills needed to build a global execution platform that will keep your organization relevant and competitive in the international landscape.

Table of Contents




Introduction: Growing Globally -- What You Need To Know To Get In the Game.

Chapter 1: Embarking on Your Global Adventure: Navigating Beyond the Borders of Your Organization and Your Home Country.

Chapter 2: The Search for the Right Talent: A Driving Force When Going Global.

Chapter 3: Improving Your Market Readiness through Effective Planning, Action and Commitment.

Chapter 4: Gaining a Competitive Advantage: A Little Difference Makes All the Difference.

Chapter 5: Sound International Negotiations: Unlocking the Secrets of Success across Borders.

Chapter 6: Corporate Partnerships: A Match Made in Heaven… or Hell?

Chapter 7: Corporate Business Models: Growing Your Business from Within.

Chapter 8: Focusing on Success.

Chapter 9: Looking into the Future: New Players, New Rules, New Game.

Chapter 10: Growth and Discovery.



About the Author.


275 pages, Hardcover

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