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wydawnictwo: VERMOLION , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 85.00 Twoja cena  80,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

In recent years, the CEO's position within the typical high-profile company has been receiving more media attention than ever before. The job and paycheque of a CEO can quickly turn a relatively unknown top-Tevel manager into a powerful international business leader with celebrity status. But how do those people get so lucky? What's their secret? Employees and recent graduates everywhere are asking. How can I get ahead? How can I become CEO? This book has the answers.

In How to Become CEO, consultant Jeffrey Fox has written an insightful handbook of traits to develop for anyone who wants to be CEO - or for anyone who just wants to get ahead in today's business world. Open it to any page and find a short, provocative piece of brutally honest advice written in a conversational tone. Each of the seventy-five 'rules' focuses on a specific action that should be taken, a trait that needs to be developed, or things to avoid. These are smart, no-nonsense business messages that are meant to be revisited in your rise to the top.

This book of hard-headed idealism will empower you to develop the qualities that are required of leaders: vision, persistence, integrity, and respect for superiors, subordinates, peers, and self.

If you want to climb the corporate ladder Fox's direct, pithy advice will help you to reach the top.

JEFFREY J. FOX is the founder of Fox & Co., Inc., a premier marketing consulting company in Connecticut, serving over sixty companies in sixty industries. He is the subject of a Harvard Business School case study that is rated one of the top 100 case studies, and is thought to be the most widely taught marketing case in the world. Fox earned his MBA at Harvard Business School. He lives in Connecticut.

150 pages

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