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wydawnictwo: PEARSON EDUCATION , rok wydania 2009, wydanie II

cena netto: 248.00 Twoja cena  235,60 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Building on the success of the first edition, this new edition of Essentials of Business Law continues to provide a lively account of the law as it applies to business courses and related programmes.

Diagrams and scenarios firmly locate the law in the real world, ensuring this introductory text explains the sometimes complex legal processes are explained in an easy to understand manner.


Table of Cases
Table of Statutes

Table of Statutory Instruments

Table of European Legislation

Study skills

1.The legal system  

2. Making a contract

3. The terms of the contract

4. Misrepresentation, Mistake, Duress and Illegality

5. Discharge of contracts and remedies for breach

6. Agency

7. The Sale of Goods Act 1979

8. The tort of negligence  

9. Nuisance, Trespass, Defamation and Vicarious Liability

10. Companies (1): Characteristics and formation

11. Companies (2): Management, control and winding up

12. Partnership, limited liability partnership and choice of legal status  

13. Employment (1): The contract of employment, employment rights and dismissal

14. Employment (2): Discrimination and Health and Safety

15. Regulation of business by the criminal law

16. Credit transactions and intellectual property rights

17. The resolution of business disputes




504 pages, Paperback

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