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wydawnictwo: NOMOS , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 45.50 Twoja cena  43,23 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

This book delves deeply into the current processes of migration in Europe, analysing the changes in the values of economic migrants from Poland and – in what is an absolutely new aspect – in those of their employers from Western Europe. Alongside these changes in values there is a particular emphasis on the process of Europeanisation, which the authors study from the cultural as well as political viewpoints. […] According to the authors, Europeanisation is felt not only by the migrants but those who have contact with them. Both sides must then redefine the categories of ‘us’ and ‘them’. […] In my opinion this book adds an interesting voice to the discourse on migration and, while it by no means solves all the issues at stake, it supplies fresh empirical knowledge. Thanks to this, the book sheds light on little-known phenomena that have been neglected up to this point in the vast field of research conducted on migration
Prof. Ewa Nowicka, University of Warsaw

Through a fascinating study of Polish migrants in Leuven, this book contributes to migration studies in three important ways: firstly by adding to the growing body of work on Polish migration across the EU; secondly, by enhancing our understanding of the varied and complex interactions between migrants and the host population; and thirdly, by exploring the interconnections between social networks, social capital and the reconstruction of identities in the context of migration. This book will be of great interest to migration scholars not only in Belgium and in Europe but also in the wider international context.
Dr. Louise Ryan, Middlesex University

194 pages, Paperback

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