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Wszystkie akty prawne są tłumaczone z zastosowaniem spójnego zbioru
terminologii prawnej PolTerm, starannie opracowanego pod okiem
prawników, ekonomistów, rodowitych znawców języka i terminologów. Spójność
zbioru oznacza, że terminowi w języku polskim odpowiada tylko jeden ekwiwalent w języku
angielskim. Profesjonalnie opracowana terminologia ze zbioru PolTerm weszła w skład
bazy EuroTermBank powstałej na zlecenie Komisji Europejskiej.
Na życzenie zamawiającego tłumaczenia mają formę zbindowanego wydruku w formacie
A4 lub formatu PDF /adobe/ na płycie CD lub formatu PDF /adobe/ przesyłanego drogą
The EuroTermBank project focuses on harmonisation and consolidation of
terminology work in new EU member states, transferring experience from other European
Union terminology networks and accumulating competencies and efforts of the accessed
countries. The project will result in a centralized online terminology bank for languages
of new EU member countries interlinked to other terminology banks and resources. Although
EuroTermBank is addressed directly towards Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, and
Poland, the project is open to other new EU member states and interested countries and
organizations outside EU.
(Consolidated text: Dziennik Ustaw 2004, No. 167, item 1758 with
subsequent amendments: Dziennik Ustaw 2005, No. 94, item 788, No. 183, item 1538; 2008,
No. 180, item 1112, No. 216, item 1367)
Article 1. 1. Acquisition of immovable properties by a foreigner shall
require a permit. The permit shall be issued by the minister competent for internal
affairs by an administrative decision unless the Minister of National Defence lodges an
objection, and as regards the agricultural immovable properties – unless the minister
competent for rural development lodges an objection.
1a. The objection referred to in paragraph 1 shall be expressed, by a
ruling, within 14 days of serving the paper prepared by the minister competent for
internal affairs. In particularly justified cases the minister competent for internal
affairs shall, upon a request of an authority entitled to lodge an objection, extend the
time limit for lodging thereof up to 2 months of the day of serving the paper prepared by
said minister.
1b. A refusal to grant the permit referred to in paragraph 1 shall not
require that either the Minister of National Defence or the minister competent for rural
be addressed.
2. Under this Act, a foreigner shall mean:
1) a natural person not having the Polish citizenship;
2) a legal person having its seat abroad;
3) a partnership of the persons referred to in subparagraph 1 or 2
having no legal personality and with its seat abroad, created in compliance with statutory
law of foreign states;
4) a legal person and a commercial partnership having no legal
personality and with its seat in the territory of the Republic of Poland, which is
directly or indirectly under the control of the persons or partnerships mentioned in
subparagraphs 1 to 3;
3. In respect of a commercial company or partnership, a controlled
company or partnership under the statutory law shall mean a company or partnership in
which a foreigner or persons directly or indirectly have over 50 per cent of votes at a
meeting of shareholders or at a general meeting, said persons holding the percentage also