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Wszystkie akty prawne są tłumaczone z zastosowaniem spójnego zbioru
terminologii prawnej PolTerm, starannie opracowanego pod okiem
prawników, ekonomistów, rodowitych znawców języka i terminologów. Spójność
zbioru oznacza, że terminowi w języku polskim odpowiada tylko jeden ekwiwalent w języku
angielskim. Profesjonalnie opracowana terminologia ze zbioru PolTerm weszła w skład
bazy EuroTermBank powstałej na zlecenie Komisji Europejskiej.
Na życzenie zamawiającego tłumaczenia mają formę zbindowanego wydruku w formacie
A4 lub formatu PDF /adobe/ na płycie CD lub formatu PDF /adobe/ przesyłanego drogą
The EuroTermBank project focuses on harmonisation and consolidation of
terminology work in new EU member states, transferring experience from other European
Union terminology networks and accumulating competencies and efforts of the accessed
countries. The project will result in a centralized online terminology bank for languages
of new EU member countries interlinked to other terminology banks and resources. Although
EuroTermBank is addressed directly towards Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, and
Poland, the project is open to other new EU member states and interested countries and
organizations outside EU.
(Consolidated text: Dziennik Ustaw 2003, No. 153, item 1503; 2004, No.
96, item 959, No. 162, item 1693, No. 172, item 1804; 2005, No. 10, item 68; 2007, No.
171, item 1206)
Chapter 1. General Provisions
Article 1. This Act shall regulate prevention and suppression of unfair
competition in economic activity and, in particular, in industrial and agricultural
production, in the building industry, trade and services – in the interests of the
public, entrepreneurs and customers.
Article 2. In this Act entrepreneurs shall mean natural and legal
persons and organizational units having no legal personality who by undertaking
profit-gaining or professional activity, even if secondary in nature, participate in
economic activity.
Article 3. 1. An act of unfair competition shall be deemed to be any
activity in violation of law or good practice if it threatens or impairs the interest of
another entrepreneur or customer.
2. Acts of unfair competition shall include in particular: misleading
designation of the enterprise, false or fraudulent designation of the geographical origin
of goods or services, misleading designation of goods or services, violation of business
secret of an enterprise, encouraging the termination or non-performance of a contract,
imitating products, making allegations against or praising them dishonestly, obstructing
market access, bribery of a person fulfilling a public function, and dishonest or
forbidden advertising, as well as organizing pyramid selling schemes and conducting or
organizing the activity within a group-financed purchase scheme.
Article 4. Foreign natural and legal persons shall have the benefit
from the rights resulting from this Act under international agreements binding the
Republic of Poland or on the basis of reciprocity.
Chapter 2. Acts of Unfair Competition
Article 5. An act of unfair competition shall be any designation of the
enterprise which may mislead the customer as to its identity through the use of a business
name, name, logo, abbreviation or other characteristic symbol previously used, in
accordance with law, for the designation of another enterprise.