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wydawnictwo: DIFIN , rok wydania 2008, wydanie I

cena netto: 34.70 Twoja cena  32,97 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The monograph is an analysis of chosen areas of the Polish economy in recent years. Time span for the diverse data sets can be varied due to the fact that the described data obtained from different sources is published at different dates. The book has fourteen chapters and contains the following: Polish market overview, productivity, education, technical development, economic growth, real estate market, labour market, exchange and interest rates, in?ation consumer and producer prices, and banking system.

The book is mainly addressed to foreign students in Poland within the framework of exchange programmes. It could also be useful for remaining students of economic faculties as Polish students leaving Poland may have to communicate more frequently with foreigners and read texts in English so the handbook will allow them to talk about the Polish economy and its speci?city freely. English-speaking Poles can also be addressees of the book when trying to understand the Polish economy.

The author hopes that the knowledge contained in this publication will help understand the characteristics of the Polish economy. This is especially important when preparing prognoses and analyses.



1. Polish market overview. Past and future situation

1.1. Tax burden

1.2. Vat and excise taxes

1.3. Company taxation

1.4. Labour taxation

2. Productivity

3. Education

3.1. General strucuture of the education system

3.2. State of the education system and education level of the society

3.3. State of tertiary education

4. Technical deveploment

4.1. Bibliometric indicators

4.2. R&D Expenditure

4.3. Patents

4.4. Access to internet and information technologies

5. Economic growth

5.1. GDP growth

5.2. Expenditure and exports

6. Legal and bureaucratic reliability

7. Domestic and external demand

8. Real estate market

8.1. Offices

8.2. Retail

8.3. Warehouse

8.4. Residential

9. Labour market

9.1. Demography

9.2. Labour market state

9.3. Work conditions

9.4. Salaries

9.4. Social security

10. Exchange and interest rates

10.1. Exchange rate

10.2. Interest rate

11. Balance of payments

12. Inflation consumer and producer prices

13. State budget

14. Banking system

14.1. Roots of the banking system

14.2. History of banks and banking system

14.3. Banking system

14.4. Functions of banks

14.5. Role of the Central Bank

14.6. Central Bank and money supply

14.7. Cost of money, inflation, interest rate and bond prices

14.8. Characteristics of the banking system in Poland

14.9. National Bank of Poland



120 pages, Paperback

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