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wydawnictwo: WILEY , rok wydania 2010, wydanie II

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Winning Edge Trading: Successful and Profitable Short and Long-Term Systems and Strategies

An innovative and comprehensive approach to profitable trading in these turbulent times

Winning Edge Trading shows how to trade any market for great profits. Using the unique and innovative trading strategies and systems outlined here, you can trade stocks, ETFs, and futures to achieve market-beating returns. Written by system developer Dr. Ned Gandevani, this book provides an antidote to active investors and traders who are frustrated by stagnant and declining markets. Dr. Gandevani shows you how to maximize your profit while minimizing your risk with his innovative and comprehensive approach, and then reveals how to profit from market swings. In addition to providing a simple and easy-to-execute trading system, Dr. Gandevani also explains how you can determine your risk tolerance and choose a compatible system for maximum performance.

  • Details the tools used to trade short or long time frames
  • Explores how the Relative Strength Indicator and Detrended Price Oscillator can help you determine when to enter and exit a trade
  • Discusses psychological issues involved in active trading, including the inability to take a loss, overtrading, trading personality, and system compatibility

Winning Edge Trading contains the information you need to become a successful active investor and trader in today's dynamic markets.

Ned Gandevani, PhD, is a professional trader and developer of the renowned Wining Edge Systems, which is based on chaos theory. He has trained and coached many professional traders for more than a decade and written numerous articles, which have been published in magazines such as Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodity, Futures, and Stocks, Futures, and Options (SFO). Dr. Gandevani is a member of the American Finance Association (AFA), the Society of Quantitative Analysts (SQA), and an affiliate member of the Market Technician Association (MTA). He teaches graduate-level and MBA courses at Keller Graduate School of Management in Long Island City and Manhattan.

Table of Contents




Part I The New Trading Paradigm.

Chapter 1 The Great Stock Market Meltdown.

Primary Causes of the Current Financial Crisis.

Dealing with the Emotional Toll.

Rescuing Yourself from Financial Disaster.

Transitioning from Investor to Trader.

Chapter 2 Introducing the New Trading Paradigm.

Online Trading.

Flexible and Active Management.

Exchange Traded Funds.

More Choices, Better Trading Opportunities.

New Market Conditions.

Intermarket Analysis Dynamics.

Fundamental Analysis, Help Me Not!

Chapter 3 Pitfalls of the Old Investing Paradigm.

Buy and Hold.

Invest for the Long Term.

Heavy Reliance on Fundamental Analysis.

Light Portfolio Monitoring.

Asset Selection Based Merely On Asset-Specific Risk.

Time to Take Charge.

Part II Trading Instruments and Markets.

Chapter 4 Understanding the Financial Markets: Common Stocks.

What Are Financial Assets?

Types of Trading Markets.

Characteristics of the Common Stocks Market.

Chapter 5 The Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) Market.

Characteristics of ETFs.

Advantages and Disadvantages.

Sectors and Types.


ETFs, Attractive Trading Instruments.

Chapter 6 The Futures Market: Commodities, Financial, and Physical.

Characteristics of the Futures Market.

Leverage Opportunities.

Part III Trading Tools.

Chapter 7 Fundamental Analysis.

What is Fundamental Analysis?

Financial Statements.

Equity Valuation Methods.

Fundamental Analysis Can't Deliver Timely Information.

Chapter 8 Technical Analysis.

Tools Used for Technical Analysis.

Technical Indicators.

Market Retracement Levels.

Fibonacci Retracements.

Chapter 9 Winning Edge Trading System Market Model.

The Market as a System.

Contraction-Expansion Principle.

Fear Is Stronger Than Greed and Hope.

Habitual Patterns.

Market Trends.

More Observations About Market Behavior.

Trend-line Orders.

Winning Edge Market Model.

Chapter 10 Mechanics of Winning Edge Trading System.

The Entry Signals.

The Exit Signals.

The System’s Protective Stops.

Chapter 11 Winning Edge System for Day Trading.

Day Trading Eminis S&P Futures Contracts.

Day Trading QQQQ.

Chapter 12 Winning Edge System for Intermediate Term or Swing Trading.

Swing Trading S&P Futures.

Long Signal for S&P Futures Contracts.

Short Signal for S&P Futures Contracts.

Chapter 13 Winning Edge System for Long Term or Position Trading.

Position Trading Russell Futures.

Long Signal for Russell Futures Contracts.

Short Signal for Russell Futures Contracts.

Short Signal for Russell Futures Contracts with No RSI Confirmation.

Part IV Investment Psychology.

Chapter 14 Trading Psychology and Trading Personality Profile.

Two Pillars of Successful Trading.

What Is Personality?

Why Is Personality Important to Trading Success?

Personality Theories.

Personality Type Theories.

Personality Traits Theories.

Nature or Nurture?

Genotype and Phenotype.

Five Factor Model and the Big Five Model.

Chapter 15 Trading Personality Profile Test.

Five-Factor Model of Personality.

What the TPP Test Reveals About You.

Trading Personality Profile Sample Test.

TPP or OCEAN Score Guide.

Reviewing Your TPP Score.

Chapter 16 Successful Trader's Blueprint.

Constructing Your Trading Success Blueprint.

Set SMART Trading Goals.

The Triple-A Formula for success.

See You at the Top!

Appendix A Toxic Assets and Modified Mark to Market Valuation Method.

Appendix B About Winning-Edge Trading Strategies.


About the Author.

224 pages, Hardcover

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