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wydawnictwo: PEARSON EDUCATION , rok wydania 2009, wydanie III

cena netto: 330.00 Twoja cena  313,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Now in its third edition, Macroeconomics continues to successfully combine theory and application, using many real-world case studies and examples, updated and changed for the third edition, to explain the basics of Macroeconomics and keep ahead of the ever changing macroeconomic environment we are experiencing today.

This rigorous and comprehensive text offers a truly European and Global perspective ideal for intermediate and applied macroeconomics students.

Manfred Gartner is Professor of Economics at the University of St.Gallen, Switzerland

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Macroeconomic essentials
Chapter 2 Booms and recessions (I): they Keynesian cross
Chapter 3 Money, Interest rates and the global economy
Chapter 4 Exchange rates and the balance of payments
Chapter 5 Booms and recessions (II): the national economy
Chapter 6 Enter aggregate supply
Chapter 7 Booms and recessions (III): aggregate supply and demand
Chapter 8 Booms and recessions (IV): dynamic aggregate supply and demand
Chapter 9 Economic growth (I): basics
Chapter 10 Economic growth (II): advanced issues
Chapter 11 Endogenous economic policy
Chapter 12 The European Monetary System and Euroland at work
Chapter 13 Inflation and central banking independence
Chapter 14 Budget deficits and public debt
Chapter 15 Unemployment and growth
Chapter 16 Sticky prices: new perspectives on booms and recessions
Chapter 17 Real business cycles: new perspectives on booms and recessions

568 pages, Paperback

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