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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 67.90 Twoja cena  64,51 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Ideal for professors who want to integrate Google Earth™ in their classrooms, Pearson’s new Encounter Earth supplement gives students a new, well-organized way to visualize key topics in their introductory geoscience courses. This guide saves instructors assignment preparation time—and helps students find Google Earth™ locations for assignments created.

Table of Contents

1. Using Google Earth™
2. Interpreting Topographic Maps
3. Running Water: Stream Dynamics
4. Deposition: Angle of Repose
5. Mass Wasting: Landslides
6. Groundwater and Karst
7. Alpine Glaciation: Active Ice
8. Alpine Glaciation: After the Ice
9. Continental Glaciation: After the Ice
10. Shorelines
11. Plate Tectonics: Divergent and Transform Boundaries
12. Plate Tectonics: Convergent Boundaries
13. Volcanism: Global Distribution of Volcanoes
14. Volcanism: Lava Flows
15. Volcanism: Calderas
16. Structural Geology: The Boulder Flatirons
17. Geologic History: Dinosaur Ridge
18. Geologic History: Red Rocks
19. Natural Hazards
20. Impact Structures

72 pages, Paperback

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