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wydawnictwo: WILEY , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

cena netto: 346.50 Twoja cena  329,18 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The Quarters Theory: The Revolutionary New Foreign Currencies Trading Method

An inside look at an innovative Forex trading system

The Quarters Theory improves and simplifies the decision-making process in foreign exchange trading through the use of a revolutionary new methodology applied to the price behavior of currency exchange rates and trend developments in the Forex market. This book provides currency traders with a step-by-step guide to the unique premise of the Quarters Theory and offers many real-life market examples, variations, and innovative Forex trading strategies. Ilian Yotov, a long-time Forex strategist, delivers a reliable new compass to help you navigate the complexities of daily fluctuations in the prices of currencies. His unique insights lead to consistently better trading decisions and help maximize your trading results.

  • The author's featured "Quarters Theory" method introduces a fresh new approach to foreign currency trading
  • Offers innovative trading techniques that combine the methodology of the Quarters Theory with fundamental and technical analysis.
  • Provides proprietary Forex strategies that investors and traders of all proficiency levels can use to reap significant returns

With The Quarters Theory as your guide, you will quickly gain that extra edge that will help you to make more profitable decisions in your Forex trading activities.

IlIan Yotov is a name familiar to thousands of currency traders as the creator of The Quarters Theory method and as one of the Forex strategists on Traders Television Network. Ilian is the founder of AllThingsForex.com and TraderTape.com and the host of the popular daily broadcast All Things Forex. He is a regular guest speaker at the International Securities Exchange (ISE) educational webinars and his columns are published on Web sites like SeekingAlpha.com, FXstreet.com, ForexPros.com, and Allthingsforex.com. Forex traders continue to benefit from Ilian's extensive trading experience, market knowledge, and The Quarters Theory method as a meaningful, substantial way to improve their own methods of trading currencies, and to experience better and much more consistent trading results.

Table of Contents


An Inside Look at an Innovative Forex Trading Method.


Chapter 1 The Foundation of The Quarters Theory.

The Quarters.

The Premise of The Quarters Theory.

Completion of the Large Quarters.

1000 PIP Range Transitions.

Large Quarter Transitions.

Large Quarter Corrections.

Chapter 2 Forecasting the Large Quarter Price Moves.

Analyzing Price Behavior at the Large Quarter Points

The 3-Day Rule of The Quarters Theory.

Chapter 3 Preparing The Quarters Theory Trades.

Discovering the Fundamental Edge.

Combining The Quarters Theory and Fundamental Analysis.

Identifying the Technical Edge.

Trend Continuation Patterns.

Trend Reversal Patterns.

Technical Indicators

Fibonacci Retracement.

Fibonacci Extensions.

Elliott Waves.

Chapter 4 The Quarters Theory Trend Waves.

Trend Wave Failure.

The Reversal-Trigger Wave.

The Progressive Wave.

The Conclusive Wave.

The Consecutive Waves.

Extended Trend Waves.

Combining The Quarters Theory and The Quarters Theory Trend Waves.

Chapter 5 The Quarters Theory Trades.

Structure and Types.

The Large Quarter Trade.

Identifying and Taking Advantage of Large Quarter Trade Opportunities.

The Inverse Large Quarter Trade.

The Hesitation Zone Trades.

The Overshoot Trades.

The Half Point Trades.

The Whole Number Trades.


208 pages , Hardcover

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