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wydawnictwo: EDWARS ELGAR , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 505.00 Twoja cena  479,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

This book clarifies the specific nature of the Austrian theory and restores the unity and open-mindedness of the Austrian school in general.

The intention is not to offer a collection of different or parallel ideas, but rather to retrace, from a pedagogical and constructive perspective, the various stages of the construction of a well-founded theoretical edifice: from Ludwig von Mises to Murray Rothbard, from Friedrich Hayek to Israel M. Kirzner and from Lachmann to Lavoie. The book is a reconstitution of the way Austrian ideas and concepts organize themselves in a common structure.

Providing a clear distinction between economic analysis and doctrine, this in-depth and unified theoretical book will be valuable to postgraduate students and researchers of economics. It is a great introduction to major Austrian theories including money, the firm, cognitive psychology, comparative economic systems and economic information.

Thierry Aimar, Assistant Professor of Economics, Sciences Po Paris, University of Nancy 2, the Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and ESSEC Business School Paris, France

Table of Contents

1 Mises and Austrian tradition 5

2 Praxeology, axiomatic system of economics 25

3 Action and interpersonal exchange : the limits of the a priori approach 41

4 Market formation 59

5 A world of discovery 73

6 Tendency towards equilibrium 103

7 The debate on collectivism 153

8 Austrian theory of the business cycle 187

9 Welfare economics : workable definitions 219

App Schumpeter and the Austrian tradition 247

General conclusion 255

Bibliography 257

Analytical index 291

Index of names 299

280 pages, Hardcover

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