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wydawnictwo: EDWARS ELGAR , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 173.00 Twoja cena  164,35 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

This major new textbook provides a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to the economics of innovation, written for students with some basic knowledge of economics.

G.M. Peter Swann contends that innovation is one of the most important economic and business phenomena of our time and a topic of great practical and policy interest, with widespread implications for our economy and society. This book engages with the reader to explore some of the key economic issues concerning innovation.

Bridging a gap in the literature, this timely textbook addresses critical questions such as: How should different aspects of innovation be described and classified? What are the incentives to innovate? How should firms organize themselves to promote innovation? What are the effects of innovation on the economy? Do governments have a role in supporting and guiding innovation?

Introducing the student to a broad range of issues surrounding the economics of innovation, this text will prove invaluable to students on a variety of courses including economics, business and management, innovation, and science and technology studies.

G.M. Peter Swann OBE, Professor of Industrial Economics, University of Nottingham and Director, Innovatixve Economics Ltd., UK

Table of Contents

1 What is the economics of innovation about? 3

2 Innovation in the history of economic thought 7

3 Basic concepts in innovation 23

4 Process innovation 38

5 Product innovation 48

6 Innovative pricing 67

7 Network effects and standards 82

8 Intellectual property 103

9 Invention and creativity 119

10 The entrepreneur and innovation 131

11 Organisation for innovation 135

12 Vision and innovation 141

13 Clusters and networks 147

14 Division of labour 173

15 The passive consumer and the active consumer 187

16 The diffusion of innovations 198

17 Innovation and trade 209

18 Innovation and market structure 217

19 Innovation and wealth creation 234

20 Innovation and competitiveness 247

21 Innovation and sustainability 252

22 Innovation and policy 257

App Supplementary reading 273

References 279

Index of names 291

Index of topics 295

320 pages, Paperback

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