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wydawnictwo: WILEY , rok wydania 2008, wydanie I

cena netto: 100.00 Twoja cena  95,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

At last, all the advice you'll ever need to manage your time better, stay organised and get things done - in one volume! Let's face it, if you need time management then you probably don't have time to read reams of advice from piles of different books. You need to get in and get out. With The 25 Best Time Management Tools and Techniques you get all the best ideas from twenty books in one place. You'll be amazed at how much more productive you are and how much your quality of life can improve once you've mastered these simple tricks.

Table of Contents

Section 1 Focus.
Put It In Writing.
Find Out What Time Means to You.
Identify Your Values.
Create A Vision.

Section 2 Plan.
Use A Personal Planning System.
Set Goals.
Plan Backward.

Section 3 Organise.
Have a Place For Everything.
Keep a Clean Desk.

Section 4 Take Action.
Overcome Procrastination.
Learn to Say No.
Be Punctual.
Reduce Information Overload.
Minimize Interruptions.
Do One Thing At A Time.
Take Risks.
Delegate More/Better.
Hold Better Meetings.
Communicate Strategically.

Section 5 Learn.
Review and Reflect.
Give and Get Feedback.
Measure Results.
Manage Stress and Well-Being.

Pamela Dodd is an organizational psychologist with leadership development experience in a Fortune 500 company. She has written about learning organizations for the American Society for Training and Development.
Pam has a BA in personnel administration from the University of Pennsylania, a master’s degree in social work and a PHD in organisational psychology and social work.

Doug Sundheim is an executive coach with a background in business development in the advertising and consulting industries. Selected clients include executives and managers from Altria Group Inc, Bertelsmann, Harvard Management Company and Met Life. An entrepreneur at heart, he started a 100-person catering service before he was 21. He has 12 years experience as a sales and business development manager and also has a BS in psychology

138 pages, paperback

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